Monday, November 3, 2008

Horse? Made of what??

I don't remember when I came across these magnificent art pieces, but I do remember not being able to understand how the artist could be able to create so many pieces with such intricate detail using the materials she used.

These are the Driftwood Horses of Heather Jansch. She finds random pieces of driftwood and forms them into statues of life-like animals. She was inspired by simply finding one piece of driftwood. which looked like the torso of a horse, while out looking for firewood with her son.

The more I researched, the more I am amazed at her passion for creating such majestic creatures using the simple, yet hard to find, materials of nature.

Here is some of her amazing work:

Art can be found anywhere. You just need to change how you would normally see things sometimes. Stretch yourself.

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