Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A New Kind of Art; CAMERA TOSSING!!

Camera tossing...it's a kind of photography that looks digitally designed. The name says it all....camera tossing. You literally press the button and toss the camera up in the air and catch it in hopes of finding a beautiful mess of swirls and glowing light beams intertwined to create something like these following pictures...

Now, of course I had to try it on my own. I don't have colored light bulbs so these are two of 30 attempts that turned out somewhat "artistic" looking.

It's a lot harder than it looks. If you're not very good at art, this might be a great place to start. Although I must say, don't toss up your $1200 SLR camera please. Try a cheaper digital camera for this kind of project. If you're a bit clumsy, make sure you have a soft landing for your camera below or better yet, don't try it at all.

Another suggestion is getting a few elastic rubber bands and chaining them together then tying it to your camera. The other end of the elastic chain can be secured around your wrist. That way, your camera wont hit the hard ground surface. Don't hit your face either hahaha!

The best lighting for this work would be a darker room with both dark corners and lighted areas. Dim rooms with random lighted corners with colored bulbs would be a good place to start too.

Happy camera tossing!

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